Saint Edmund Arrowsmith Catholic High School

Catholic Life of the Academy

‘I have come so that they may have life; life in all its fullness.’   

John 10: 10 


Saint Edmund Arrowsmith Catholic Academy is first and foremost a Catholic academy. 

Stemming from our mission statement of every pupil at SEACA experiencing 'life in all its fullness', we seek to educate the whole person; spiritually, morally, emotionally, psychologically and physically towards Christian maturity.  

At Saint Edmund Arrowsmith Catholic Academy we place Christ and the teachings of the Catholic Church at the heart of the school. Shared gospel values permeate the way we educate the young people entrusted to our care, in the Catholic Christian tradition, ensuring that each one is valued, cared for and achieves the best of which they are capable.   

Pupils at Saint Edmund Arrowsmith Catholic Academy participate in a wide range of activities to support the teachings of the Church, for example:  

  • Pupils actively support local foodbanks through donations for the bi-annual foodbank collection - "For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink." (Matthew 25:35)
  • Pupils and parents actively donate school uniforms and PE kits to support families who may be struggling to afford these items - "I needed clothes and you clothed me." (Matthew 25:36)
  • Pupils actively lead and engage with fundraising activities for local charities and to support fellow pupils in making a pilgrimage to Lourdes with the Archdiocesan Youth Pilgrimage.

At Saint Edmund Arrowsmith we recognise the principle that parents are the primary educators of their children and we aim to assist parents in their God-given role as educators by providing a full Catholic secondary education. In addition, we recognise that as a Catholic school we are at the service of the local church and are committed to working in partnership with the diocese and local parishes. Indeed, as Pope John Paul II declared “the parish community is a place for religious and spiritual education. School is a place for cultural education. The two dimensions must be integrated, because the same values inspire them…the unchangeable values of the Gospel”.