Saint Edmund Arrowsmith Catholic High School

Academic Achievement

At Saint Edmund Arrowsmith Catholic Academy we are committed to the pursuit of excellence in teaching and learning and to raising standards of academic achievement.

Our principal objectives are:

  • To provide a safe, stimulating learning environment for all pupils and teachers;
  • To enable pupils to achieve their full potential by learning in a variety of ways and through challenging learning experiences;
  • To provide a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum in line with the National Curriculum and exam board specifications that will motivate, engage and challenge pupils whilst also equipping them with the skills required on leaving the academy;
  • To set high expectations for all pupils in order to raise their aspirations;
  • To raise standards of both teaching and learning.

How parents can help:

  • Encourage your child to read as much and as often as possible.
  • If possible, provide a quiet place for your child to complete their homework.
  • Have spare pens, pencils available.
  • Look at your child's planner to find out what tasks have been set and when the teacher is expecting the work to be done. Encourage them to complete the work on the night that the task has been set, rather than leaving it until the day it is due in. A little and often approach to homework helps manage the workload so your child does not get behind.