Saint Edmund Arrowsmith Catholic High School

Assessment & Reporting

At Saint Edmund Arrowsmith we believe that assessment lies at the heart of quality learning and teaching, and are committed to 'Assessment for Learning', the process of seeking and interpreting evidence for use by pupils and their teachers to decide where the pupils are in their learning, where they need to go and how best to get there. Our curriculum is designed to provide a wealth of opportunities for both formative and summative assessment, ensuring the pupils receive meaningful feedback and as such, make progress.

When pupils join us in Year 7, their KS2 assessment data in English and Maths is used to generate a flightpath, which gives an indication of what they should then go on to achieve by the end of each year in school. We will also use this data to see what their 'expected progress' will be by the end of KS4 and therefore what their GCSE target grades are (or equivalent in vocational qualifications).

Parents/carers receive a progress report three times a year. This report shows what progress has been made in each subject and also includes an 'Attitude to Learning' judgement.

Following each 'data drop' subject teachers, Subject Leaders, Pastoral Leaders, and the Senior Leadership Team analyse the data generated. Interventions strategies are then identified, organised and implemented following this assessment data, to ensure that every pupil is both supported to achieve their potential but also provided with stretch and challenge.