Saint Edmund Arrowsmith Catholic High School

Pupil Care

Pastoral Structure

One of the foundation stones for Saint Edmund Arrowsmith's reputation and ethos is it's strong pastoral structure. It has developed over many years to become the strong, motivated and successful team responsible for the welfare of pupils at Saint Edmund Arrowsmith.

On entry to Saint Edmund Arrowsmith, every pupil is assigned to a form group. Each form group is led by a Form Tutor who pupils can approach if they have any concerns, worries or any other issues/queries.

Each year group also has a dedicated Year Manager who both pupils and parents can contact if they have any queries, concerns or require support in a particular area. The year managers should be the first point of contact for parents who wish to discuss a particular issue regarding their child.

The year managers are:

We have appointed Leaders of Learning to join and support each year group, alongside our fantastic Year Managers.

Leaders of Learning are: 

We also have a strong inclusion and alternative learning provision team, who are responsible for the progress and personal development of our pupils. The team includes:

The Assistant Headteacher responsible for Behaviour and Attitudes (Mrs A Downing) has oversight of, and overall responsibility for, pastoral support at Saint Edmund Arrowsmith Catholic Academy, supported by our Pastoral and Safeguarding Lead, Mrs. B. Lofthouse.

Student Discipline & Inclusion

At Saint Edmund Arrowsmith Catholic Academy we aim to create a stimulating, safe, caring and positive learning environment where everyone can be happy and successful and where effective learning and teaching can take place.

Central to this ethos is the understanding of rights, respect, responsibilities, actions and consequences.

Saint Edmund Arrowsmith Catholic Academy expects:

  • All students to show respect and courtesy towards teachers, other staff and towards each other.
  • Parents/carers to encourage their children to show that respect and support the academy's authority to discipline its students.
  • A culture of respect by supporting their staff's authority to discipline students and ensure that this happens consistently across the academy.
  • That every teacher will be good at managing and improving children's behaviour.

Our Behaviour for Learning Policy can be found on our Policies page.

Reporting Bullying

At Saint Edmund Arrowsmith Catholic Academy, we are committed to preventing bullying and discriminatory behaviour.

How to get Help
Bullying is wrong.

Nobody has the right to hurt other people either physically or in any other way (verbally or mentally).

Spreading untrue stories, deliberately isolating people, taking their friends away, making threats, hitting, kicking, fighting with people - these are all examples of bullying and they can all cause distress to the victim.

What to do:

  • You must tell someone. The best way would be to tell a teacher who you know you will be able to confide in, but it is essential you speak to someone; it could be a friend, a peer mentor, a member of the school prefect team, your form teacher, your Year Manager, a member of SLT or a relative.
  • When you do decide to talk to someone tell the truth, describe everything that has happened and how you feel about it.
  • Most importantly do something. Sometimes bullying stops quickly but doing nothing means it may go on until someone is seriously upset or hurt, that could be you, or the bullies could move onto someone else if they think they are getting away with it.

What not to do:

  • Phone a parent or guardian from school without notifying a member of staff.
  • Don't believe you are on your own.
  • Don't suffer in silence.
  • Don't retaliate.
  • Your first move may be to contact your Form Tutor or Year Manager, or Mrs. B. Lofthouse (Pastoral and Safeguarding Lead).

Remember, all advice is confidential.